Monday, September 14, 2015


for you english speakers, that means "i want to be baptized". i heard that not just once, not just twice, but THREE TIMES this week. and pretty much a fourth, but in different words. ive always heard that this never happens. that its rare. and it is rare. but it HAPPENED. each time i heard it i questioned if i heard it right, but they just repeated it and i could see the literal thirst in their eyes to be a part of this gospel. ahhhh so amazing.

to my brother (others will call him my in law) DAVID for having the chance to sing in the choir and gen. conf, thats awesome!!!!!!! :) ill look for you in the liahona
to jacob barlow for landing a counseling position at antelope HS! remember, once a titan always a titan!

non important things
cultural difference #1: america is ONE continent. there is no such thing as north and south. if you come here, dont make that mistake.
cultural difference #2: DONT toss something. walk over and hand it to them. even if its a hersheys kiss. its incredibly rude and it will be as if you spit in their face.
quechua sounds like a mix of chinese, portugese, and african. oh how i wish i coulld speak it.
ive discovered a pet peeve.. dont force someone to say they "love you too"
all you people who are praying i dont get shocked, your prayers backfired and i can no longer use my shower. at all. our manager said no. so i now wash my hair in our drizzle of a fosset, it takes 30 minutes (im losing hair but its still T-H-I-C-K)
bebe 2 is lost in the calle
we need to rename devin. it sounds too much like devinia, davids daughter. any suggestions????????????????
we dont have church this sunday bc of voting
i got my measurements taken for our zones footie pajamas. by a MAN... awkward
foundout our water is expired.
hna ipanaquè really likes weener dogs. :) dejavu
month one i missed pizza. month two i missed vegetables.
ive grown to like onions.

funny moments
being told i need strong calves to play soccer, and then being told that yes, i can definitely play
kicking hno abraham straight where it hurts and him dropping cold for five minutes. the counselor of the bishopric refuses to pass up an opportunity to tell me hno abraham is going to have kids.
i had a bottle of water with the lid where you have to suck the water out. i was pulling the spout out with my teeth but it jerked and my hand reacted and squeezed the bottle. ALL. OVER. ME. all within 5 seconds, and abot half the bottle down my shirt. at least it was super hot this week.

importants (blessings)
hearing that craig and luke pray for me by ymy name. oh, how i LOVE my little brothers , and how my heart was happyto hear that. <3
got a letter from bisphaaaaaaaam
our pensións family has water again, they went a couple of days without it
i LOVE answering questions about the mission from nonmembers. its so fun.
teaching hna ipanaquè jingle bells
singing the christmas songs (himns)
hna cruz made me copies of her church movies and her CD of music
hno javier knows he was given another chance to live bc theres something god needs him to do before he dies (aka, be baptized.) . his whole family is great. he has a couple aunts, cousins, and siblings and a grandma that all live in barrio fabril.... good thing theres a temple real close too. ;)
shaved my legs!
familia rojas. the ONE member family that is always willing to help us. they arent real people ive decided. theyre angels. hno jose was the biggest help for us this week.
did service for hna delfi and were able to have our last lesson /preentrovista con antoine
both hna ipanaquè and i stopped in our tracks (both prompted) and avoided being hit. the lord protects His missionaries!
speaking of protection. we gained the mercy of a jòven and hid out in his tienda until a very drunk man with very impure intentions left
reading the bible and the book of mormon together. they truly testify of each other and we can only learn it all when we study them both. so grateful for the bible!
missionary nerd moment, in my spanish test (every 3 months on the comp) i got the querstion to tell what it was like to recieve my mission call. i got SO HAPPY haha.
one of my investigadoras has a BAD burn on her arm. it was my first time seeing it, i thought it was new. she was embarrassed. i then went on telling her about my scars andall my ridiculous stories and got her to laugh.
singing the joseph smith prayer song over the calle first in english then in spanish o the tune of come thou fount. P-O-W-E-R
fredy huachalle (inactive RM) along with three other inactives were in sacrament on sunday and witnessed antoine recieving the H.G., yessss.

what youve aaaaaaall been waiting for.. HIGHLIGHTS
the first was fidelia maraza. shes the one who said that every time she sees us she wants to be a part of our church bc were always happy. well we had a lesson this week with her and she said she wanted to be baptized, and asked how. we said she needed to repent first, she asked how. it was literally like in the scriptures were the prophets just teach the people every thing in the gospel and they believe it and gain a testimony right there. she believed joseph smith in the first lesson. she believes in the book of mormon. she believes it all! it was so tempting to not just teach her everything but she needs to pray and recieve the confirmation through the holy ghost. only way to gaina testimony.
her brother, eduardo maraza, came home and joined our lesson. i felt prompted to ask him what he wanted to tell us. and he told us, after a couple squirms and smiles, he wanted to be baptized. whaaaaat. it was so amazing. later this week we had a lesson with him and he said he knew during damaris´s baptism he needed to be baptised into this church, the true church, and he stpped going to his chrch. hes only 11 but man does he have a testimony! in the lesson with fidelia we committed him to pray about baoptism as well and he said that when he did, he felt like an arm was around his shoulders and his heart burned with fire and love. he put his arm around my shoulders when he said that and i knew that what he was saying was true. so wonderful!
the third was yoceline quiroz (sister of eveline y fredy). she came to church with antonio (a miracle) and after MMJJ (young womens) we talked to her. she had a FSOY pamphlet in her hands and she straight out told us she wants to be baptized. what does she need to do. etc. we explained we teach people lessons to help them realize the promise theyre making with God and that going to church is also part of the repentance process, and we have a lesson with her this week. bam.
last night we had a lesson with arlete and gaby sanchez, a miracle. gaby used to be taking the lessons but stopped. she had a dream that she was walking on a path and there was a serpent, among other things, and she needed to change. the spirit prompted me to testify her need to be baptized and repent. ive never been so bold, but i trusted the spirit. she was quiet, and then she said she knows she needs to be baptized,and she wants to be, but she wants to be sure. she was baptized when she was 11 (shes 16 now) in another cuhrch never thought it was actually true so stopped going (this is why hno nibardo wont give permission to baptize arlete bc like my father, he wants his daughters to be committed to what they do.) anyways, i invited her (again by prompting) to read 3 nephi 11. i told her that if she did, and if she prayed about it, she wold know it was true which would tell her the book of mormon is true which would tell her joseph smith was a prophet which would tell her the church is true. i asked her what she would do when (not if) she found out the church was true. she said she needed, and would, be baptized. we have an apt with her friday nigth. :)
last highlight, was the baptism of antoine. its the first baptism our ward has had in over 9 months. satan did EVERYTHING he could to stop it, it was frustrating at moments, but ive always been stubborn and with God´s help we won the battle and he was baptized and confirmed this weekend. :) he had the biggest smile on his face in the font. it warmed my heart. his inactive mother came to both his baptism and confirmation in sacrament meeting. a miracle, once again. solo milagros.

this week and the week before its really stood out to me how much this gospel blesses families. and just the importance of families in general. there are so many families hurting in the world. it breaks my heart but gives me peace that im able to help them have unity and love and happiness through this gospel. im so grateful for my family and all the love&support they give me.

a very dear friend to me once told me ¨the enemy doesnt fight fair¨and how, how true is that statement. especially this week. satan is real, and he is smart, and he will do everything to tear us down. but God is real. and God´s power is so, so much greater. i am constantly learning to rely on Him. there is absolutely no way i could do this without him. each day my testimony of my Father in Heaven grows stronger. I feel His love in the midst of the challenges i face and I know that He is with me as I fight this battle. (por favor, add this to the last part of blessings)
homeless man instead of being down on life and just asking for money performs for the cars and laughs and smiles and gets others to be happy too. perfect example of making the best of life. he inspired me. i prayed for him that night.

and scriptures at the bottom,
songs of solomon 2:5 sick of love!
3 n 14:5/matt 7:5 beams vs splinters
3 nephi 14-15 and matt 6:14-15 forgive others to be forgiven
dyc 84:84 dont worry about tomorrow focus on today, let go of things i cant control

have a great week &blessings for taking the time to read this,
Hermana Wilson
 really unattractive picture but a whole lotta love

mini empanadas! 

 churro chips and orchata (sp?)

PIQUE. my favorite bolivian food

 we take what we can get as far as baptism clothes. little antoine. 
oh how i love him. he reminds me of craig sometimes. he makes us laugh

take a picture with antoine and you get... bunny ears

 jovanni (dont remember how to spell her apellido) and melissa quispe 

my little worm. :) hno ian, age 2, 
the boy who gives us kisses and introduced me to my first bag of chizitos

 se llama pablo (my food baby)

like mama like hijo

 hna delfi, hno antoine, y obispo fredy torrico (he reminds me of uncle john, hes awesome)

mi hermanitas <3
 hna britanie, hna mariana, hna damaris all smashed into the trunk on our way to church with hna marianely and her novio marcelo, hna samantha, marianelys other kids hna lidia y hno fabio, y hna ipanaquè. :) 

 mystery food /veggie but it was a veggie (i think) and it was good and pablo was feliz. :)

once upon a time i discovered a new tan line... i think i should start switching shoulders

 heavenly cookies de hna ancalle. 

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